July 2002 Events and Photos

Father Andrew Receives Memorial Section Of Trade Center
July 2002

After receiving permission from the city of New York, Father Andrew went to pick up a section of the World Trade Center to be used as a memorial in connection with the new building at St. Lukes. Below we see Father Andrew standing at the site with the memorial

- Father Andrew standing at the Site of the former World Trade Center with the beam which he brought back to St. Luke in Palos Hills

The following is an article from the Daily Southtown. Below we can see more pictures from Father Andrew’s trip to New York

Source: The Daily South Town

Date: July 1, 2002

Title: “You just want to cry”: Palos Hills preacher visits WTC site

Author: Jim Hook, Staff Writer

The Rev. Andrew Harrison had a few weeks to prepare himself for what would confront him once he reached the site of the World Trade Center in New York. He still wasn’t ready for what he saw when he arrived last week to pick up a piece of steel beam from the towers that will be used as a memorial in the 98 year–old St. Luke the Evangelist Orthodox Church in Palos Hills.

Harrison said Monday he doesn’t know if he could have ever really been ready for what he experienced when he arrived at ground zero. “You just want to cry,” he said. “But there is anger there too. You ask yourself why would someone do this to us,” Harrison said.

He said he was amazed at the size of the hole in the ground where the towers and other prominent buildings once stood majestically over the New York City landscape. “The mass destruction in and around there is incredible,” Harrison said. “The whole area is devastated. “There’s a kind of reverence associated with the site,” he said. “It’s like a cemetery.”

Harrison said everywhere he looked he was reminded of the tragedy that occurred Sept 11. He said he saw signs that said, “Don’t call this Ground Zero, but rather the Ground of Heroes” and “We will never forget.” Harrison said being at the site “made it real.” “You watch it on TV or read about it in the newspaper and you are removed from it,” he said. “But when you are there, it has a real impact on you.”

Harrison said he was most affected by front-page photos in a New York Times newspaper that showed people hanging off buildings and jumping to their deaths Sept. 11. “People were actually jumping from these tall buildings,” he said, pausing for a moment to compose himself “I had dreams about what that must have been like on my trip back.

“Harrison returned last week with a 200-pound piece of steel beam from one of the World Trade Center. He said a church committee will decide where to display the piece of steel beam. One option, Harrison said, is including it in the church’s new bell tower.

The 160-member, Orthodox church, is undergoing. a $1 million renovation that includes new Sunday school classrooms, offices, a vestibule, a basement and the bell tower. Harrison wrote a letter to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg asking for a piece of the World Trade Center to incorporate into the church’s new bell tower. He said he received a phone call two weeks ago from Bloomberg’s office saying his request had been granted.

Bloomberg’s office has allocated more than 93 pieces of steel to church and nonprofit groups on the stipulation that they be used as memorials. Harrison picked up the steel beam from a cordoned-off section of ground zero. He wrapped the steel beam in an American flag for the journey home. “I took special care driving home with that beam” Harrlson said “It’s sacred because 2,823 lives are connected to it”

Construction Workers

Above we see the two construction workers who assisted Father Andrew by preparing the memorial for transport. Below we see them loading the memorial into the rented Ford Van that Father Andrew drove to New York City

Construction Workers Load Memorial Into Car

Father Andrew Places Flag Over Memorial

Above we see Father Andrew covering the memorial with an American flag as you would for the burial of national hero. Below we see a banner: WE WILL NEVER FORGET under a Bank which will be torn down because of damage

Banner On Site

Signs Of Healing
July 2002

The pictures below were taken during Father Andrew’s trip to pick up the memorial. Everywhere signs of rebuilding and healing were evident. They are a testimony to the resiliency of the human spirit and the healing powers of our Lord and Savior.

Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing.

Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing.Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing.Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing.Images Of Healing. Images Of Healing.

Side Trip to St. Vladimir’s Seminary
July 2002

The bishop pictured is Bishop Seraphim retired bishop of Japan and Fr. Lisenko

On the way back from New York, Father Andrew made a side trip to St Vladimir’s Seminary. In the above picture we can see Father Andrew, Fr. Lisenko and Bishop Seraphim retired bishop of Japan standing by the car containing the memorial from the World Trade Center.

Andrew Lukashonak is pictured at the new Library at St. Vladimir's

Above Andrew Lukashonak stands at the doors of the new library. Below we see the interior of the library

Interior View Of New Library

View of Bells. View of Bells.

While he was there Father Andrew took advantage and did some homework concerning the new bells for our bell tower. He took these pictures to demonstrate how there were set up. A similiar system will shortly be installed in our new bell tower at St. Lukes.

View of Bells. View of Bells.

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