August 2002 Events and Photos

St Luke’s Elevation Of The Cross
August 2002

Once again our parishioners decended of the new building ready for a days labor. One of the main projects for the day was the placement of the 2000 pound granite Cross in front of the building. This needed to be done in advance of the landscaping which will be done next week. Below are a series of pictures depicting the process of elevating the Cross into place.

Setting up the CrossSetting up the Cross

Setting up the CrossSetting up the Cross

Setting up the CrossSetting up the Cross

Setting up the CrossSetting up the Cross

Setting up the Cross

We also reset the old church sign in front of the building. We will use this until funds become availiable for a new one.

Cutting off the old baseLifting the sign into place.

Making It Our Own, Making It Our Home
August 2002

With the construction being all but over, it was now time to begin to turn a lifeless structure into one which is filled with the spirit of our parishioneers. Equipted with cleaning materials, mops, and ladders a large number of volunteers gathered and got right to work.

Cleanup Crew At WorkCleanup Crew At Work

The windows needed to be scraped and cleaned.

Cleanup Crew At WorkCleanup Crew At Work

Outside windows were cleaned as well. Workers also worked on the old section of the building cleaning up construction dust from the candlestands and iconastasis.

Cleanup Crew At WorkCleanup Crew At Work

Yet others decided that the choir loft and the front door needed some loving care.

Cleanup Crew At WorkCleanup Crew At Work

Floors were cleaned while our choir director oversees the storage of the church music.

Cleanup Crew At WorkCleanup Crew At Work

Father Andrew and his crew removed construction debree while our youngest volunteer pitches in as well.

Cleanup Crew At WorkCleanup Crew At Work

Even the hallways got a workout. One of our parishioneers even decided to clean the bushes. A sense of excitement fills St. Lukes as we begin to make the new building our own.

Garden Center: Blessing Of Fruit For The Transfiguration Of Our Lord
August 2002

Father Andrew Explains The Significance Of The Fruit

At St. Lukes monthly visit to the Garden Center for the Handicapped, in addition to our usual service, Father Andrew blessed fruit for the Transfiguration of Our Lord. Father Andrew explained the significance of the holiday and of the fruit. Fr. Andrew’s sermon was about how necessary in is for us to be rooted in Jesus Christ and His word in order to bare good fruit. The fruit we are to bare are the fruits of the Holy Spirit which are love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. Just like you have to cut away bad limbs from a fruit tree we have to cut away our bad behavior like bad habits, unkind words and unkind acts because that will lead to hate, envy, stubbornness and selfishness and we will not be able to bare good fruit.

Father Andrew Explains The Significance Of The Fruit

Father Andrew blesses the fruit as well as the cakes that would be used for a sncak later.

Father Andrew Explains The Significance Of The Fruit

Icons were handed out be Father Andrew to all the residents in attendence

Father Andrew Explains The Significance Of The Fruit

Afterwards all joined together in fellowship and to enjoy eating the fruit and the cakes.

Children’s Sermon: Preparing For Liturgy
July 2002

Father Andrew gathers the children together

Once again Father Andrew presented a children’s sermon. I have to admit that these are among my favorites. Father Andrew brought out a bag and removed a ball, a frizbee, and sun screen. He explained to the children that when you go to the beach, you must prepare before you go. He then told then that they must also prepare before they come to Church. He asked them what they should do before coming and they replied that they should wear their good clothes and clean up. Father agreed and then went on to explain how you must clean yourselves on the inside as well and you can do this by going to Confession.

New Doors Installed As Construction Reaches Completion
July 2002

New Glass Doors Seperating The Vestibule from the Sanctuary

Although there are several projects that will yet need to be completed over time, the actual construction phase of the new building is nearing completion. Above we see the new glass doors installed which seperate the Vestibule from the Church proper. In the future, it is projected to install an audio system to allow those in the Vestibule to here the services even with the doors closed. Below we see the two closets with the doors installed and stained.

Closet Doors In The Feloowship Hall

Here we stand in the fellowship hall looking at the newly completed stairway and entrance that leads to the old basement which will be used for storage.

Passageway From Fellowship Hall To Old Basement.

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