Father Andrew Attends National Council of Churches
November 15th, 2001
Father Andrew attended the General Assembly of the National Council of Churches of Christ as delegate from the Orthodox Church in America. Other members of the delegation were Fr. Leonid Kiskovsky, Dn. Serge Kapral, Dr. Paul Meyendorff, and Valerie Zahirski.
The first lay Orthodox president Chicago attorney Elenie Huszagh was installed as president of the National Council of Churches during the General Assembly. She is the first lay member of an Orthodox church, and only the second Orthodox, to serve as president in the council’s 52 years. Elenie Huszagh was in the first group of women appointed to the Greek Archdiocese’s governing council, and continues on that body. She was a representative to Istanbul in recent negotiations with the Ecumenical Patriarchate over revisions of the U.S. Greek church charter.
Star of Siam
November 18th, 2001
The St. Luke roving restaurant club had an outing downtown at the Thai Restaurant, the Star of Siam. The food was plentiful and absolutely delicious. It was almost as good as the fellowship. The next outing is in the planning stages.
Talk on Crisis
November 12th, 2001
Jim Forest presented a lecture on “Relating to those we fear in a time of Terror.” He related fear to sin. How Jesus was fearless and showed us how to forgive and love our enemies. He discussed Islam as a faith which is being used by terrorist for political ends. “No where in the Koran can you justify suicide.”
Jim forest is the secretary of the Orthodox Peace Fellowship. He has written numerous books such as Praying with Icons. He receives many invitations to lead retreats and lecture on world peace. If you are interested in the OPF log on to their website. www.incommunion@cs.org.

Garden Center Bible Giveout
November 1st, 2001
At St. Luke’s visit to the Garden Center this month Father Andrew kept his promise to the residents. Each resident was presented with their own bible with illustations.