May 2002 Events and Photos

Exterior Views Of New Building
May 2002

Here are some exterior views of the continuing construction. Things are really coming along. The brick work nears completion. Window are installed along with exterior doors and lighting.

Front view of the building. View of specialized brickwork around entrance.

Above we can see the development of the front of the building and the brickwork including the cross above the new front entrance.

Work continues on top of bell tower. East wall of building.

Above we can see the bell tower rising into the sky. If you look closely you can see the brick columns on top that will support the dome that will house the bells. Also we can we the view of the east wall of the building with windows and exterior lighting. Below we can see the rear of the building and the septic field.

Southeast corner of building Southern exposure of building.
Septic field behind building

Bishop’s Dinner
May 2002

Bishop Job hosts post Pascha dinner.

Each year on Bright Friday Bishop Job invites the clergy and wives of the Chicago Deanery to his residence on La Salle St. in Chicago for an evening of fellowship and sharing of Paschal foods. Everyone enjoyed this festal celebration with Bishop Job as our host. Christ is Risen!

Construction Update
May 2002

Development of new entrance.

Construction continues with the front entrance and the bell tower.

Overall view of new construction.

Liturgy For The Veterans
May 2002

Father Andrew and Deacon Andrew distribute Holy Communion.

Ron Stacoviak has supported the Hines Hospital Orthodox Veterans ministry for 15 years. He is a member of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Chicago. It was he who asked Father Andrew who had been an Orthodox, VA Chaplain in California to visit Orthodox patients. Father Andrew petitioned his beatitude Metropolitan Theodosius and was assigned as Orthodox Chaplain to Hines Hospital at the beginning of this year.

Ron Stacoviak checks on new patients and informs Father Andrew as to there condition and needs. Father Andrew makes monthly visits and is called in when there is an emergency. At Christmas and Pascha, Ron Stacoviak prepares and schedules the chapel for Father Andrew to celebrate the Divine Liturgy. Members of St.Luke and other parishes attend and sing the responses. The service is televised through out the hospital. The photo shows Father Andrew giving communion to one of the participants. When the Liturgy is over Father Andrew take communion to patients who could not attend.

Double Baptism
May, 2002

Reading of The Nicean Creed. Father Andrew prepares the Baptismal Font.

On Holy Saturday, May 4th we had the privilege of participating in the ancient rite of Holy Baptism. The two catechumens Lydia Vetter and Victoria Murphy, who had been receiving instructions in the Orthodox faith, were baptized. Historically Holy Saturday has always been the most celebrated day for baptisms. This was the culmination of the 40 days of Lent which was specially organized for the preparation of catechumens who were baptized on this day. Those already baptized followed the 40 days of Lent to show their solidarity with the catechumens.

Drenching with water. Drenching with water.

The eight photos show the process from the statement of faith the Nicean Creed, the baptism where their heads were drenched with water, the giving of the Holy Spirit in Chrismation, the presentation of their baptismal robes, the holy procession around the font and the reception of Holy Communion.

Father Andrew anoints. Father Andrew anoints.
A lock of hair is taken as an offering to Christ.. Procession around Baptismal Font.

Columns For The New Entrance
May 2002

Front entrance developing.

As the brickwork reaches it’s final stages, custom shaped columns are being set.

Front entrance developing.


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