“Many Years” To Lee and Linda

Congratulations to Lee and Linda on their 50th Wedding Anniversary. “God Grant Them Many Years!”
Are You Saved?

Following Liturgy Mrs. Barbara Pappas, a well known Orthodox writer spoke to us on her book, “Are You Saved?” She addressed the Orthodox understanding of salvation as a mystery that in contained within the Sacrament of Holy Baptism.

A lite brunch was served to all.
Garden Center Visit For July

Our visit started with the story of Noah’s Ark. Fr. Paul explained how God made a covenant with Noah and gave him instructions to build an ark. God said that the world has grown wicked and that He was going to destroy everything with a flood. Noah was to bring his wife, his sons and their wives and one male and one female of every animal. After forty days of rain, the flood waters receded and God made a rainbow appear in the sky as a sign that never again will the world be destroyed by a flood.

Fr. Paul explained how Jesus liked to talk in parables, which are stories. He told us about the man sowing seed for the harvest. Scattering the seed some fell on the beaten path and eaten by birds, some seed fell on shallow soil and died and some among the thistles and was choked. But, some seed fell on good fertile ground and ripened into a rich harvest, which is like the person who loves and obeys the Lord. Our human heart is like a garden and we should take care of it with prayer and obey the Lord.

Looking at the expression on Tim’s face receiving a birthday blessing from Fr. Paul warmed all our hearts.

Graham crackers and juice were served as everyone engaged in conversation about the 4th of July celebration.