August 2019 Events and Photos

Garden Center Visit For August

Scene from 
Garden Center Visit For August

Fr. John, with a captive audience of all the residents, read four stories from the bible. Our first story
was about the Transfiguration. Jesus took Peter, James and John, up on a high mountain to pray. Suddenly the appearance of
Jesus changed: His face shone like the sun and His clothes were as white as the purest snow. Moses and Elijah appeared next
to Him. Then a bright cloud passed over, and the voice of God was heard, saying, “This is my Son, with whom I am well pleased.
Listen to Him. After the stories, questions were asked and answers were exchanged with much enthusiasm.

Scene from 
Garden Center Visit For August

Our visit ended when Tim asked that we pray for his father who is ill. Fr. John then led us in prayer for the
sick, the departed and for the living.

Wonderworking Icon Of Anna The Mother Of The Theotokos

Scene from 
Wonderworking Icon Of Anna The Mother Of The Theotokos

St. Luke Parish was blessed this week to have the Wonderworking Icon of Anna the Mother of the Theotokos
present during Divnine Liturgy.

Scene from 
Wonderworking Icon Of Anna The Mother Of The Theotokos

Father David from St. Tikhon Monastery accompanied the icon. He taught us about the icon and the life of St.
Anna. He told us the icon at one time was streaming myrrh and that healings were associated with the icon especially for those
with sterility problems. We thank him for bringing the icon to us and for his teaching.

Scene from 
Wonderworking Icon Of Anna The Mother Of The Theotokos

A prayer servie was held honoring St. Anna.

Scene from 
Wonderworking Icon Of Anna The Mother Of The Theotokos

After the prayer service the altar servers and those present venerated the icon and were annointed.

Scene from
Wonderworking Icon Of Anna The Mother Of The Theotokos

Relics of St. Joachim and St. Anna and a piece of the sash of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Scene from 
Wonderworking Icon Of Anna The Mother Of The Theotokos

The Icon.

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