Old Basement Remodel

The old fellowship hall which is used as a sleeping area for Beds Plus received a make over with new flooring, paint, and trim.

Thanks to all who worked so hard on this project.
St. Luke Parish Celebrates Feast Day

This week St. Luke Parish celebrated its feast day. On Thursday vespers were held with several visiting
clergy and His Grace Bishop Paul in attendance.

His Grace Bishop Paul taught us about the life of St. Luke.

Following the service His Grace annointed the clergy and those present. Afterward light refreshments were

On Sunday Liturgy was held with Fr. Howard teaching the sermon.

Following Liturgy a dinner was served for all present.

After dinner Dr. Angela Zekios spoke on the topic “Christ’s Healing Presence”. Our thanks to Dr. Zekios and
to all who worked to make this a sucessful feast day.
Food For The Soul Goes European

This month Food For The Christian Soul visited Old Town Restaurant in Lemont featuring European food.

Group Photo.

Matt held one of his raffles for door prizes. Two of our youth picked out the winning tickets.

Deacon Andrew was one of the winners.

Part of the group decided to go family style.

For those who wished to order dinners, roast duck and pork tenderloin were popular.

With over 20 parishioners there was plenty of food and fellowship. Another great job by Matt our ministry
Garden Center Visit For October

Fr. Paul started our visit with the story of God’s visit with Abraham and Sarah. Abraham was visited by three men one day and these three visitors whom he entertained were heavenly. Abraham and Sarah were in the company of God Himself.

Fr. Paul told us how God wants us to have a good heart. He plants the seed, which is the word of God deep in our heart. Our heart will grow with our faith, prayer and kindness to others.

Everyone received a blessing.

Our visit ended with talk of the upcoming Halloween party and snacks.