November 2019 Events and Photos

Parish Youth Help Veterans

Scene from Parish Youth 
Help Veterans

Some of our parish youth gave of their time to help our veterans. They assembled bags and sorted food for
our veterans. Our thanks go out to them for their good work.

Garden Center Visit For November

Scene from
Garden Center Visit For November

Fr. John told the story of the Good Samaritan. How a priest and a Levite passed by a man who was robbed and
badly beaten, but failed to show him any compassion. Finally, a Samaritan stops and helps the injured man. The Samaritan’s
mercy is an example of how Jesus wants us to treat each other.

Scene from 
Garden Center Visit For November

Fr. John said to be close to Jesus we must show compassion and mercy to others.

Scene from 
Garden Center Visit For November

Janet once again, entertained us with her Thanksgiving Poem.

Scene from 
Garden Center Visit For November

Talk of Thanksgiving plans and snacks ended our visit.

Children’s Sermon On The Good Samaritan

Scene from 
Children's Sermon On The Good Samaritan

This Sunday following Liturgy, Fr. Paul gathered the children together and explained to them the parable of
the Good Samaritan.

Scene from 
Children's Sermon On The Good Samaritan

Some of our young adults provided a short skit playing the man who fell among the thieves, the priest, the
Levite, and the Samaritan.

Scene from 
Children's Sermon On The Good Samaritan

The sermon was well received by the children and adults alike.

Parish Field Trip To View Icon Of St. John The Forerunner

Scene from Parish Field Trip To View Icon Of St. John The Forerunner

Parishioners and Church School Children from St. Luke Parish took a field trip following Liturgy to Assumption Greek Orthodox Church in Homer Glen.

Scene from Parish Field Trip To View Icon Of St. John The Forerunner

Here they viewed the icon of St. John The Forerunner. This icon has extruded fragrant liquid which has been associated with numerous healings.

Scene from Parish Field Trip To View Icon Of St. John The Forerunner

Fr. Paul held a healing service and annointed those in attendance.

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