This week due to problems with the construction of their new church, St. Marys used the faculities at St. Lukes to host the Pan-orthodox Presanctified Liturgy.

Scene from the service.

Rev. Vasyl Sendeha gave the homily and spoke about over use of our thumbs and electronic devices.

Group photo of the clergy.

Fr. Malek blesses the lenten meal.

Our thanks to St. Marys for all the wonderful food and fellowhip.
The third Sunday of Lent is the half way point of Great Lent. On this Sunday a flower decorated cross is displayed in the center of the sanctuary during the Liturgy.
At the point in the Liturgy when normally “Holy God” is sung it is replaced with “Before Your Cross we bow down and worship You.” During this hymn three prostrations are made. They signify our devotion to God and that we have accepted His cross. It is also given as a help to fight off the attacks of the Devil who during Lent wants us to fail in our fast and it helps us to keep our heart pointed toward the Cross and Christ’s victory over death at Pascha.
At the end of Liturgy, parishioners venerate the cross.
Journey To Pascha – We invite all to join us at St. Luke’s on our lenten journey to Pascha. If you are unable to attend in person please visit feel free to follow along and for more information on the faith and services. Each year we try to update this part of our site with new pictures so you can look ahead or follow along as we progress towards Pascha.

This week the Pan-orthodox Presanctified Liturgy was held at St. Luke Parish.

Scene from the service.

Fr. Malek Rihani gave the homily and instructed us about fasting and resisting the evil one.

Scene from the service.

Group photo of the clergy.

Fr. Paul blesses the lenten supper.

Dinner is served.

Members from all the parishes present enjoy dinner and fellowship.

Floyd and Ancuta Franz OCMC missionaries in Romania visited St. Luke this week. They gave a presentation of their work in Romania and in Alaska during the coffee hour. We thank them for their time and all their efforts.

This week Sts. Peter And Paul Ukrainian Orthodox Church hosted Presanctified Liturgy. Rev. Vasyl Sendeha is shown here during the service.

Fr. Paul Janakkos of St. Luke the Evangelist gave a homily folowing the service.

Group photo of clergy in attendance.

Parishioners from the various churches then joined together for a lenten dinner and fellowship.

Our visit started with Fr. Paul telling the story of the marriage feast of Cana. Mary, the mother of Jesus, noticed that the wine jugs were empty. She whispered to her son that there is no more wine. Jesus told the servant to to fill the jars with water and take some to the guest of honor. Upon drinking the wine he said, “You have kept the best till last!” The miracle at the wedding in Cana was the first that Jesus worked

Fr. Paul spoke of the woman in the Gospels who washed Jesus feet with her hair. She was a sinful woman, but when she learned that Jesus was eating at the Pharisee’s house, she brought an alabaster jar of perfume. She washed Jesus feet with her tears, dried them with her hair and rubbed them with the perfume. Jesus said to the woman, “Because you believed, you are saved from your sins. Go in peace.”

Fr. Paul blessing reaching out to each resident with a blessing.

Enjoying snacks and conversation ended our visit.

On the first Sunday of Lent, Orthodox Christians celebrate the official declaration of the 7th Ecumenical Council 787AD that the veneration of Icons is not the worship of images as the 2nd commandment describes. To celebrate the event, the children of St. Luke held a procession of Icons, ( See Iconography) while the choir sang the hymn of the event.

The choir sings the hymn of the day during the procession.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from the procession.

At its conclusion the proclamation of Orthodoxy and Creed were recited.
Proclamation of Orthodoxy:
As the Prophets beheld, as the Apostles have taught, as the Church has received, as the Teachers have dogmatized, as the Universe has agreed, as grace has shown forth, as Truth has revealed, as Falsehood has been dissolved, as Wisdom has presented, as Christ awarded; Thus we declare, thus we assert, thus we preach Christ Our True God, and honor His Saints in words, in writings, in thoughts, in sacrifices, in Churches, in Holy Icons; On the one hand worshipping and reverencing Christ as God and Lord, and on the other, honoring the Saints as true servants of the same Lord of All, and offering them proper veneration.
This is the Faith of the Apostles, This is the Faith of the Fathers, This is the Faith of the Orthodox, This is the Faith which has established the Universe.
Journey To Pascha – We invite all to join us at St. Luke’s on our lenten journey to Pascha. If you are unable to attend in person please visit feel free to follow along and for more information on the faith and services. Each year we try to update this part of our site with new pictures so you can look ahead or follow along as we progress towards Pascha.