March 2016 Events and Photos


St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

This week St. Luke Parish hosted the combined Presanctified Liturgy.

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

Scene from the Liturgy.

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

Holy Communion.

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

The Homily.

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

Group photo of the clergy.

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

After Liturgy a Lenten meal was served. Father Howard blesses the meal.

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

Scene from dinner.

Scene From St. Lukes Hosts Combined Presanctified Liturgy.

Thanks to all those who participated in the evening of worship and fellowship.

Presentation On The Upcoming Great And Holy Council

Scene From Presentation On The Upcoming Great And Holy Council.

This Sunday during fellowship St. Luke was given a presentation on the Upcoming Great and Holy Council that will take place in Cyprus in June.

Scene From Presentation On The Upcoming Great And Holy Council.

The presentation was given by Dr. Tony Vrame. We thank him for his time and knowledge on this matter.

Many Years To Father Paul

Scene From Many Years To Father Paul.

Today we celebrated Fr. Paul’s birthday with a surprise Lenten cake.

Scene From Many Years To Father Paul.

We wish him a happy birthday and “God grant him many years”.

Annunciation Liturgy

Scene from Annunciation Liturgy.


The Feast of the Annunciation breaks into the Lenten cycle because it is one of the 12 major feast days of the church and is part of the Nativity cycle. March 25th is nine months before Christmas. It commemorates the angel Gabriel visiting the virgin Mary and announcing to her that she was about to become pregnant by the Holy Spirit. Since it is a feast day the fasting rules are lifted slightly. For Greek Americans this is a special day because this is the day that Greece became independent from the Ottoman Turkish empire in 1821 – 1827.

Father Paul blesses parishioneer.

The Annunciation falls during Lent, but it is always celebrated with great joy. The Liturgy of St. Basil or St. John Chrysostom is served, even on the weekdays of Lent. It is one of the two days of Great Lent on which the fast is relaxed and fish is permitted (Palm Sunday is the other).

Journey To Pascha – We invite all to join us at St. Luke’s on our lenten journey to Pascha. If you are unable to attend in person please visit feel free to follow along and for more information on the faith and services. Each year we try to update this part of our site with new pictures so you can look ahead or follow along as we progress towards Pascha.

St. Mary’s Hosts Presanctified Liturgy

Scene From St. Mary's Hosts Presanctified Liturgy.

St. Mary’s Antiochian Orthodox Church in Palos Heights hosted a Pan-Orthodox Presanctified Liturgy. Members from St. Luke Parish and Sts. Constantine and Helen were among those in attendance.

Scene From St. Mary's Hosts Presanctified Liturgy.

The Great Entrance.

Scene From St. Mary's Hosts Presanctified Liturgy.

Holy Communion.

Scene From St. Mary's Hosts Presanctified Liturgy.

Group photo of the clergy.

Scene From St. Mary's Hosts Presanctified Liturgy.

Following Liturgy a lenten meal was served.

Scene From St. Mary's Hosts Presanctified Liturgy.

Lenten deserts were also provided.

Scene From St. Mary's Hosts Presanctified Liturgy.

Our thanks go out to St. Mary’s for the wonderful food and equally wonderful fellowship.

Sunday of Orthodoxy

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.


Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.


Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.


Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.


On the first Sunday of Lent, Orthodox Christians celebrate the official declaration of the 7th Ecumenical Council 787AD that the veneration of Icons is not the worship of images as the 2nd commandment describes. To celebrate the event, the parishioners of St. Luke held a procession of Icons, ( See Iconography) while the choir sang the hymn of the event. At its conclusion the proclamation of Orthodoxy and Creed were recited.

Proclamation of Orthodoxy:

As the Prophets beheld, as the Apostles have taught, as the Church has received, as the Teachers have dogmatized, as the Universe has agreed, as grace has shown forth, as Truth has revealed, as Falsehood has been dissolved, as Wisdom has presented, as Christ awarded; Thus we declare, thus we assert, thus we preach Christ Our True God, and honor His Saints in words, in writings, in thoughts, in sacrifices, in Churches, in Holy Icons; On the one hand worshipping and reverencing Christ as God and Lord, and on the other, honoring the Saints as true servants of the same Lord of All, and offering them proper veneration.

This is the Faith of the Apostles,
This is the Faith of the Fathers,
This is the Faith of the Orthodox,
This is the Faith which has established the Universe.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

Scene from the procession.

Scene from Sunday Of Orthodoxy.

The choir sings the hymn of the day during the procession.

Journey To Pascha – We invite all to join us at St. Luke’s on our lenten journey to Pascha. If you are unable to attend in person please visit feel free to follow along and for more information on the faith and services. Each year we try to update this part of our site with new pictures so you can look ahead or follow along as we progress towards Pascha.

Garden Center Visit For March

Scene From Garden Center Visit For March.

Fr. Andrew started our visit with the story of Saul’s downfall. Saul did wrong to disregard God’s commandment. Because of his actions, Saul’s sons will never succeed him and another family will rule Israel.

Scene From Garden Center Visit For March.

Fr. Andrew had two cups of wheat representing God and his people. Fr. Andrew showed how when we pray to God and do something good for others and don’t expect anything in return, God gives back an abundance to us. Our cup of blessings overflows.

Scene From Garden Center Visit For March.

Fr. Andrew with Garden’s newest resident, Donna. She joyfully showed us her beautiful room and expressed how happy she was to be living at the Garden.

Scene From Garden Center Visit For March.

Of course our Jane, along with Tim wanted her picture taken with Fr. Andrew. Staff prepared light snacks for everyone and conversation about missing Fr. Paul and when would he return, was shared by all.

The Reading of the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete

Father Jannakos reads the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete.

A canon is a liturgical poem divided into verses with a refrain. The Canon of St. Andrew, written in the 7th century, is divided into four sections, which are read on Monday through Thursday during Compline of the first week of Lent. St. Andrew, in composing the canon, traces the lives of people in the Bible who lived according to God’s commandments with those who failed. By doing this, St. Andrew reminds us of our failings and need of repentance. An example of a verse with refrain is the following:

Solomon was carried away by gratification of his lust. Alas, he who loved wisdom now makes love to prostitutes and finds himself estranged from God. But in your every thought you have imitated him, O my soul, through your disgraceful love of luxury.

Refrain: Have mercy on me O God, have mercy on me.

During the reading the faithful make prostrations (a bow with the head to the floor)

This year we were blessed to have His Grace, the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest join us for the service. Following the service he spoke to us about the meaning of the Canon of St. Andrew and how it was intended to “shock” us towards repentance.

Journey To Pascha – We invite all to join us at St. Luke’s on our lenten journey to Pascha. If you are unable to attend in person please visit feel free to follow along and for more information on the faith and services. Each year we try to update this part of our site with new pictures so you can look ahead or follow along as we progress towards Pascha.

Forgiveness Sunday Vespers

Parishioneers ask each other for forgiveness.

The first service of Great Lent is called Forgiveness Sunday Vespers. It is a standard Lenten weekday evening service. The verses sung refer to beginning Lenten fasting (Parish Info: Fasting) overcoming sin and of spiritual growth. The service ends with the prayer of St. Ephriam the Syrian that asks God to take away various passions and give various virues with a special emphasis on forgiveness.

Parishioneers ask each other for forgiveness.

At the dismissal Father Paul spoke about forgiveness. Then the parishioners one by one asked each other for forgiveness.

Journey To Pascha – We invite all to join us at St. Luke’s on our lenten journey to Pascha. If you are unable to attend in person please visit feel free to follow along and for more information on the faith and services. Each year we try to update this part of our site with new pictures so you can look ahead or follow along as we progress towards Pascha.

St. Lukes Honors New Members

Parishioneers ask each other for forgiveness.

This Sunday following Liturgy, St. Lukes honored all our members that joined during the past year. Fr. Paul asked us to welcome them into our spiritual family.

Parishioneers ask each other for forgiveness.

A luncheon and fellowship followed.

Standing By The Cross: Putting On Christ

Scene from Standing By The Cross: Putting On Christ.

This Sunday St. Luke Parish was visited by Fr. John Behr, the Dean of St. Vladimir’s Orthodox Theological Seminary in Crestwood N.Y. Fr. John celebrated the Liturgy with us and gave the homily on the Sunday of Last Judgement.

Scene from Standing By The Cross: Putting On Christ.

After the Liturgy, Fr. John gave a presentation entitled “Standing By The Cross: Putting On Christ”. This presentation was recorded for Ancient Faith Radio. We thank Fr. John for this time shared with us.

Parish Council Installation

Scene from Parish Council Installation.

This Sunday our newly elected Parish Council was installed following the Liturgy. Many God grant them strength and wisdom as they strive to do His work.

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