January 2019 Events and Photos

Garden Center Visit For January

Scene from
Garden Center Visit For January.

Fr. Andrew told the story of St. Dorothy. Because of her strong faith in Jesus Christ, she was able to
convert those persecuted to Christianity before she was martyred.

Scene from
Garden Center Visit For January.

Fr. Andrew blessing the St. Basil Sweet Bread. Wishing to distribute money to the poor, St. Basil put
gold coins in the bread.

Scene from
Garden Center Visit For January.

Fr. Andrew cutting the bread as Laurie helps distribute it to all residents.

Scene from
Garden Center Visit For January.

Kathleen found the coin in her bread, and according to traditional, she is considered the blessed one
for the year.

The Great Blessing Of Water

Scene from The
Great Blessing Of Water.

This Sunday during Divine Liturgy we celebrated Theophany – the Baptism of Jesus. Following the service
Fr. Paul performed the Great Blessing of Water.

Scene from The
Great Blessing Of Water.

Fr. Paul plunges The Cross into the water three times while the choir
sings the Troparion “When You O Lord were Baptized in the Jordan …” The church bells
are rung at this moment.

Scene from The
Great Blessing Of Water.

Fr. Paul blesses all the members of the congregation with Holy Water.

Scene from The
Great Blessing Of Water.

The altar servers process with Fr. Paul to the church school.

Scene from The
Great Blessing Of Water.

Fr. Paul blesses the classrooms.

Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil’s Bread (Vasilopita)

Scene from Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil's Bread (Vasilopita).

On New Year’s Day, St. Luke Parish celebrated the Liturgy Of St. Basil and blessing of St. Basil’s Bread (Vasilopita). Father Paul prays over and blesses the Vasilopita.

Scene from Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil's Bread (Vasilopita).

Our thanks go out to Aristea for baking this delicious bread each year.

Scene from Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil's Bread (Vasilopita).

Father Paul cuts the bread and it given to all present.

Scene from Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil's Bread (Vasilopita).

Hidden in the bread is a coin. Tradition holds that whoever receives the coin receives the blessing of St. Basil for the coming year. This year Doreen received the coin.

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