April 2001 Events and Photos

Palm Sunday 2001
April 7, 2001

Father Andrew gives his sermon.

St. Luke celebrated Christ’s entry into Jerusalem by decorating the
church with palms and branches. After Liturgy the entire congregation led by the
altar servers & clergy and carrying palms and branches made a procession around the
church while singing hymns. In the procession the Church is Jerusalem and we are the
children singing, “Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord.” (John 12)

At the end of the procession around the church, the congregation had the end of the service. The people of the church start off the procession. The people prepare to go around the church.

St. Luke Breaks Ground for New Building
April 4th, 2001


On Wednesday April 4th, St. Luke held the ground breaking ceremony
for the new bell tower and educational complex. Bishop Job of the Dioceses of the
Midwest officiated along with Fr. Andrew Harrison, our rector, and Fr. Nicholas Jonas
of SS. Constantine & Helen Parish. Other clergy attending were Fr. Raphael Biernacki,
Fr. Oleg Mironowic, Fr. Alexis Fedec, Deacons Andrew Werbiansky, and Danial Doss. Mr.
Peter Coulos, our real estate attorney and Mr. Nick Batistich and his son our
architects and Mr. Matt Englebrake from Security Church Finance, the bond issuing
company, also attended. Bishop Job performed the traditional bell tower ground
breaking ceremony by reading the blessing and placing three rocks to commemorate the
Trinity on the spot where the bell tower is to be erected.

. A group shot of the entire church and visitors.. .

After this Bishop Job and Father Andrew circled and sprinkled the
land where the educational complex will be constructed. After the blessing all
processed into the church for the Presanctified Liturgy. After the Liturgy and
evening Lenten dinner was provided for parishioners and guests.

Wow, the special effects are amazing.

At this rate we could dig the foundation ourselves.

A lenten dinner was held in the basement. A lenten dinner was held in the basement. A lenten dinner was held in the basement.

The lenten dinner in the basement was enjoyed by all.