6-9-23 Bulletin

St. Luke Orthodox Church 2023 Graduates
Many Years!


 St. Luke 2023 Strategic Plan 

St. Luke Strategic Plan Tally
(Fill out the form in order to prioritize action steps). 


  • Saturday, June 10th, 5;30pm, Great Vespers with Confessions following.
  • Sunday, June 11th,  8:30am: Matins; 9:30am: Divine Liturgy for the Sunday of the Feast of All-Saints with Coffee Fellowship following. (Church Council Meeting in the Conference Room).
  • Wednesday, June 14th, Bible Study at 6pm: Livestreamed – On the Book of Acts.
The “Inside of Life” 

We human beings hunger for eternity more than anything else. While animals are happy to live in a state of contentment, doing by nature (instinct) what God created them to do, we humans live our lives, in this world, in a state of deep existential anxiety. Because no matter how healthy or wealthy or settled and secure we may pretend to be, there is always a hidden but unmistakable uneasiness about the way we experience and interpret our human “condition.” The poets and artists express this “existential angst” the best—that something has gone awry with “being” human or, more succinctly, that we are experiencing an acute sense of loneliness and emptiness deep down inside. As in T.S. Elliot’s poem The Hollow Men: We are the hollow men, We are the stuffed men, Leaning together, Headpiece filled with straw…” As Orthodox Christians, we are not surprised that we experience this deeper anxiety and unease. We know that as long as we are “in this world” we are alienated from the Kingdom of God. We know what it means to be lost and lonely, and we know that this is the result of having lost touch with our souls. For it is only from the soul that we can find peace, rest, and joy. Thus, while the world goes about its business, which is meant to “help” distract people from this basic truth that life can only be lived from the depths of one’s soul, we as believers strive to recover our souls so that we might experience the eternity for which we were made.

Eternity is here and now and not only at the “end of time.” Indeed, the fundamental purpose of the human soul is to manifest the mystery by which the timelessness of God enters into our being and suffuses it with the uncreated light.  Contrarily, human beings who no longer have a soul that is alive and filled with the grace of God are doomed to a living death, to what the Czech writer Milan Kundera calls, “The Unbearable Lightness of Being.

Our salvation in Christ can thereby be understood as the reversal of a fundamental existential priority. The “fall” of our human race in the Garden of Eden brought about a way of living that prioritized materiality, worldliness, and the “pleasures of the flesh.” Because of this, we human beings experience only “the outside of life,” having lost the deeper understanding of “the inside of life” which emanates from the hidden powers of the soul. And because we are dead on the inside, we “default” to the fleshly passions (food, drink, sex) which can only give a brief semblance of a happy and blessed life. It is not for nothing that we live in a country that has such a “high quality of living” and yet where so many people portray shallowness, sadness, and regret.

Now this reversal of the fall, which is a moving from the “outside of life” to the “inside of life,” is not something we can do as human beings on our own. It cannot be affected by reading a book, or by a “program” of spirituality. For the basic message of the gospel is that only Christ can bestow upon us the healing and transformation needed in order to restore the soul to its proper preeminence, so that we might truly recover the “inside of life.” Liturgy and sacraments are necessary medicine for this change to take place. It is a life-long endeavor.

But more than anything else, by God’s grace the only way for us to recover our souls is to practice both solitude and stillness. Solitude is our temporary removal from the society of men, from the rush and hustle of the world, from vain talk, and especially from the exterior “racket” that surrounds us on all sides. For as long as we are being flooded by the busy-ness and noise of the world, it will be impossible to discover that there is a depth to our human experience that transcends external feelings and thoughts. And this is just what the devil wants. Satan’s goal is self-alienation, which is the outcome of our separation from God. For if we are alienated from God, it will necessarily follow that we will not only be alienated from others but even from ourselves, from a deeper knowledge that it is the soul that reveals to us the mystery of who we truly are in the eyes of God and that we are loved by Him in a way that is beyond human comprehension.

What is salvation? Salvation is the way we overcome the inner death, which is the death of the human soul while still in this world. We accomplish this by becoming one with Christ and through a life-long endeavor of prayer and solitude.

Fr. Paul Jannakos

Congratulations and Many Years
to Genet and the Pamphilis Family on the grand opening of:
Genetti Bistro (pictured above!)
12240 South Harlem
Palos Heights, IL 60463Stop in for some delicious treats and support our St. Luke Family!
Many Years to Mrs. Aristea Zekios who retires from teaching Church School after over 60 years!
We are truly grateful for all her service! 
Congratulations to our 2023 Junior Olympians!

SUMMER CAMP FOR KIDS! The thirty-sixth annual CHICAGO DEANERY YOUTH CAMP WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, Check in at 1PM – Check Out at 3 PM on SATURDAY, JULY 8, 2023 At Edwards YMCA Camp, N8901 Army Lake Road East Troy, WI 53120 Orthodox Church in America, Chicago Deanery For deanery youth, ages 11 – 18 (For questions of eligibility, call the Coordinator). ALL-INCLUSIVE FEE (lodging, meals, activities) $170. (Registration form attached…) CAMPING SCHOLARSHIPS ARE AVAILABLE FOR OUR CHILDREN AT ST. LUKE – Contact Fr. Paul at pjannakos@gmail.com  FOR THE REGISTRATION FORM CLICK HERE. 

THE APOSTLES FAST: Just a reminder that our Church begins the Sts. Peter & Paul Fast ON JUNE 12TH, tomorrow, which will last until June 29th. During this fasting period we not only refrain from meat (and dairy if possible), but we also intensify our prayer life. May God bless our efforts!

ON FATHER’S DAY, JUNE 18TH, during Coffee Fellowship after the Liturgy (11:00am), Fr. Paul will present an abbreviated talk on the subject of his recent Mission Trip to Romania. Fr. Paul will speak about “ORTHODOX SPIRITUALITY AND HEALING FROM ADDICTION.” Pass the word!

BIBLE STUDY: Summer Bible Study: Fr. Paul and Rick Wolf have begun Bible Study on Wednesday evenings. We are studying the Book of Acts. It is being live-streamed on both Facebook and Zoom. Pass the word and join us!

SERVICES IN JUNE: On Saturday, June 24th, at 9:30am our parish will serve a Divine Liturgy for the Feast of the Nativity of St. John Forerunner, and on June 28th (6:00pm) and 29th (9:30am) our parish will celebrate the Feast of Sts. Peter & Paul at Sts. Peter & Paul parish in Burr Ride. Mark your calendars!

2023 PARISH DEVELOPMENT FORUM: In Parma Ohio at Holy Trinity Orthodox Church, 1:00 PM EDT Thursday July 13 2023 thru Noon July 15. Theme: Our Parish and the Future. At this forum attendees will face forward — actively considering what it will take to build a brighter parish future.  Attendees will collaborate on The 2030 Project — a set of structured, facilitated discussions designed to share experiences and identify the key behaviors, skills and “new muscles” parishes will need to thrive amidst future societal, cultural, demographic and technological trends.  In depth discussions will include:

  • Healthy Clergy-Laity Dynamics,
  • Attracting and Integrating Converts intoYour Parish/Sharing the Faith
  • Connecting Your Parish to the Neighborhood Community.    
  • Additional presentation segments.

To maintain an intimate setting for thoughtful exchange among attendees the 2023 Forum attendance will be limited to 100 persons.  There will be no live streaming of the Forum sessions.. Register Early — Before June 22. Registrations received before June 22 will be eligible for a $75 per attendee early bird rate. After June 22 registration will be $150 per attendee. Registration fee includes lunches, dinners, breaks, an attendee reception Friday night & conference materials. You may register here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejq38xise3538e27&oseq=&c=&ch=

NATIONAL ORTHODOX BABY SHOWER: Did you miss the National Orthodox Baby Shower in April? You can support Journey’s amazon baby shower. Click the link below. Delivered directly to Journey. Journey pregnancy and life hub’s Baby Registry Registry link: https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg/journey-pregnancyandlifehub-may-2023-mokena/3K09ZBDOZTYQL

FOOD FOR THE SOUL IS BACK! Food For the Soul Sunday Lunch: Sunday, June 25, 2023, 12:30pm, Genetti’s Bistro, 12240 South Harlem Avenue in Palos Heights. Pass the word!

YOCAMA SUMMER MISSION TRIP!: July 21 to July 28 Mission trip to Navajo Nation New Mexico. Work on construction and the food pantry and food distribution. Ages 16 and up with parents. Check out YOCAMA.com

ST. LUKE STRATEGIC PLAN: Our St. Luke Strategic Plan report is ready to be viewed and the tally sheets for our Action Items are now available. If you have NOT filled out a tally sheet please take the time to do so.

LUBA’S KITCHEN ANNOUNCEMENTS: The signup for weekly coffee hour hosts can be found on the whiteboard in the kitchen.  Please sign up!

JUNE MONTHLY CHARITY: Our Monthly Charity is for ORTHODOX GHANA – St. Peter’s College & Summer Camp. Please be generous!

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