6-3-23 Bulletin

Holy Pentecost
Blessed Feast!

 St. Luke 2023 Strategic Plan 

St. Luke Strategic Plan Tally
(Fill out the form in order to prioritize action steps). 


  • Saturday, May 3rd, 5;30pm, Great Vespers with Confessions following.
  • Sunday, May 4th, 8:30am: Matins; 9:30am: Divine Liturgy for the Sunday of the Feast of Holy Pentecost with Fathers and Mothers Day Lamb Banquet following.
  • Wednesday, May 7th, Bible Study at 6pm: Livestreamed – On the Book of Acts.
On Pentecost – Fr. George Florovsky

THE CHURCH IS ONE. This does not merely mean that there is only one Church, but that the Church is a unity. In it mankind is translated into a new plane of existence so that it may perfect itself in unity in the image of the life of the Trinity. The Church is one in the Holy Spirit and the Spirit “construes” it into the complete and perfect Body of Christ. The Church is predominantly one in the fellowship of the sacraments. Putting it in another way, the Church is one in Pentecost, which was the day of the mysterious foundation and consecration of the Church when all the prophecies about her were fulfilled. In that “terrible and unknown celebration” the Spirit-Comforter descends and enters the world in which He was never present before in the same way as He now begins to dwell. Now He enters the world to abide in it and to become the all-powerful source of transfiguration and deification.

The bestowal and the descent of the Spirit was a unique and unrepeatable Relevation. On that day, in a moment, an inexhaustible source of living water and Life Eternal was disclosed here on earth. Pentecost, therefore, is the fullness and the source of all sacraments and sacramental actions, the one and inexhaustible spring of all of the mysterious and spiritual life of the Church. To abide or to live in the Church implies a participation in Pentecost. Moreover, Pentecost becomes eternal in the Apostolic Succession; that is, in the uninterruptibility of hierarchical ordinations in which every part of the Church is at every moment organically united with the primary source. The lines of power proceed from the Upper Room. Apostolic Succession is not merely, as it were, the canonical skeleton of the Church. Generally speaking, the hierarchy is primarily a charismatic principle; that is— a “ministry of the * “The Sacrament of Pentecost” originally appeared in the Journal of the Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, No. 23 (London, 1954; p. 29-35). “Consensus Ecclesiae” appeared in No. 24 of the same. sacraments,” or “a divine economy.” And in this capacity precisely the hierarchy is an organ of the Catholic unity of the Church. It is the unity of grace.

It is to the Church what the circulation of the blood is to the human body. Apostolic Succession is not so much the canonical as the mystical foundation of Church unity. It is associated with the divine rather than with the human side of the Church. Historically the Church remains actually one in its priesthood. It is precisely by this Apostolic uninterruptibility of successive ordinations that the whole Church is bound into a unity of the body from a unity of the Spirit. And there is only one way and one approach: to draw near and to drink from the one spring of life, once revealed. The peculiar function of bishops is to be the organ of Apostolic Succession.

The bishop differs from the priest in his power to ordain, and in this alone. Nor is this only a canonical privilege and only a power of jurisdiction. It is a power of sacramental action beyond that possessed by the priest. In the celebration of the Eucharist the bishop has no precedence over the priest and can never have it, for the priest has full power to celebrate, every priest being primarily appointed for the purpose of offering the Eucharistic Sacrifice. It is as the celebrator of the divine Eucharist that the priest is the minister and the builder of Church unity. The unity of the Body of Christ springs from unity in the Eucharistic meal.

But in addition to this the bishop has his own particular duty in the building up of Church unity, not as the offerer of the Bloodless Sacrifice but as the ordainer. The Last Supper and 191 Pentecost are inseparably bound up with one another. The Comforter descends when the Son has been glorified in His death on the Cross. But still they are two sacraments which cannot be merged the one into the other. The same applies to the two degrees in orders: the bishop is above the priest and it is through the episcopate that Pentecost becomes universal and eternal. Moreover every particular Church through its bishop, or, to put it more exactly, in its bishop, is included in the Catholic fullness of the Church as a whole. Through its bishop it is linked up with the past and with antiquity. Through its bishop it forms a part of the living organism of the Body of the Church Universal. For every bishop is ordained by many bishops in the name of the undivided episcopate. In its bishop every single Church outgrows and transcends its own limits, and comes into contact with and merges into other Churches, not in the order of brotherly love and remembrance alone, but in the unity of mysterious and gracious life.

Every local Church therefore finds its center and its unity in the bishop, not so much because he is its local head and pastor, but because through him it is included in the mysterious “sobornost” [“catholicity”] of the Church-body for all times. “We affirm that the order of bishops is so necessary for the Church that without it the Church is not a Church and a Christian is not a Christian, and that they cannot be even so called. For the bishop is a successor of the Apostles through the laying on of hands and invocation of the Holy Spirit, having successively received the power bestowed from God to loose and to bind. He is a living image of God on earth, and owing to the divine activity and power of the Holy Spirit is the abundant source of all the sacraments of the Church Universal through which salvation is obtained. We consider that a bishop is as essential to a Church as breath is to man and the sun to the world” (the Epistle of the Eastern Patriarchs to the Bishops of Great Britain, 1723, par. 10).

Congratulations and Many Years
to Genet and the Pamphilis Family on the grand opening of:
Genetti Bistro (pictured above!)
12240 South Harlem
Palos Heights, IL 60463

Stop in for some delicious treats and support our St. Luke Family!

OCMC Dinner Tomorrow Night: If you would like to go contact Fr. Paul: pjannakos@gmail.com

CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR CHURCH SCHOOL GRADUATES!  Tomorrow after the Liturgy there will be a graduation recognition for all of our high school and junior high school students – with gifts. Many Years!

ST. LUKE LAMB ROAST – POTLUCK DINNER: This Sunday, June 4th, our parish will honor both our Mothers & Fathers with a traditional LAMB ROAST dinner in the downstairs parish hall. Bring a side dish!

NATIONAL ORTHODOX BABY SHOWER: Did you miss the National Orthodox Baby Shower in April? You can support Journey’s amazon baby shower. Click the link below. Delivered directly to Journey. Journey pregnancy and life hub’s Baby Registry Registry link: https://www.amazon.com/baby-reg/journey-pregnancyandlifehub-may-2023-mokena/3K09ZBDOZTYQL

FOOD FOR THE SOUL IN BACK! Food For the Soul Sunday Lunch: Sunday, June 25, 2023, 12:30pm, Genetti Bistro, 12240 South Harlem Avenue in Palos Heights. Pass the word!

YOCAMA SUMMER MISSION TRIP!: July 21 to July 28 Mission trip to Navajo Nation New Mexico. Work on construction and the food pantry and food distribution. Ages 16 and up with parents. Check out YOCAMA.com

JUNIOR OLYMPICS 2023! Congratulations to all of our parish youth who participated in the 2023 Orthodox Jr. Olympics. More info to follow on medals, winners, etc.

ST. LUKE STRATEGIC PLAN: Our St. Luke Strategic Plan report is ready to be viewed and the tally sheets for our Action Items are now available. If you have NOT filled out a tally sheet please take the time to do so.

THE FEAST OF HOLY PENTECOST: Our St. Luke parish community will celebrate the Feast of Holy Pentecost, which is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church 50 days after the resurrection.

LUBA’S KITCHEN ANNOUNCEMENTS: The signup for weekly coffee hour hosts can be found on the whiteboard in the kitchen.  Please sign up!

MAY MONTHLY CHARITY: Our Monthly Charity is for IOCC. Please be generous!

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