CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL OF OUR CHURCH SCHOOL GRADUATES! Tomorrow after the Liturgy there will be a graduation recognition for all of our high school and junior high school students – with gifts. Many Years!
ST. LUKE LAMB ROAST – POTLUCK DINNER: This Sunday, June 4th, our parish will honor both our Mothers & Fathers with a traditional LAMB ROAST dinner in the downstairs parish hall. Bring a side dish!
NATIONAL ORTHODOX BABY SHOWER: Did you miss the National Orthodox Baby Shower in April? You can support Journey’s amazon baby shower. Click the link below. Delivered directly to Journey. Journey pregnancy and life hub’s Baby Registry Registry link:
FOOD FOR THE SOUL IN BACK! Food For the Soul Sunday Lunch: Sunday, June 25, 2023, 12:30pm, Genetti Bistro, 12240 South Harlem Avenue in Palos Heights. Pass the word!
YOCAMA SUMMER MISSION TRIP!: July 21 to July 28 Mission trip to Navajo Nation New Mexico. Work on construction and the food pantry and food distribution. Ages 16 and up with parents. Check out
JUNIOR OLYMPICS 2023! Congratulations to all of our parish youth who participated in the 2023 Orthodox Jr. Olympics. More info to follow on medals, winners, etc.
ST. LUKE STRATEGIC PLAN: Our St. Luke Strategic Plan report is ready to be viewed and the tally sheets for our Action Items are now available. If you have NOT filled out a tally sheet please take the time to do so.
THE FEAST OF HOLY PENTECOST: Our St. Luke parish community will celebrate the Feast of Holy Pentecost, which is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church 50 days after the resurrection.
LUBA’S KITCHEN ANNOUNCEMENTS: The signup for weekly coffee hour hosts can be found on the whiteboard in the kitchen. Please sign up!
MAY MONTHLY CHARITY: Our Monthly Charity is for IOCC. Please be generous! |