2-10-23 Bulletin

  Visit our WEBSITE: www.stlukeorthodox.com Mission Soup Sunday – A Great Success! Pledges & Donations: HERE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 11TH Great Vespers followed by Holy Confessions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12TH 8:30AM, Matins; 9:30am, …

2-3-23 Bulletin

  Visit our WEBSITE: www.stlukeorthodox.com Bring Your Favorite Soup and Share on Sunday! Pledges & Donations: HERE SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 4TH Great Vespers followed by Holy Confessions SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 5TH 8:30AM, Matins; …

1-27-23 Bulletin

  Visit our WEBSITE: www.stlukeorthodox.com Fr. Howard & Michaelyn with the IOCC TEAM in Louisana! Pledges & Donations: HERE SATURDAY, JANUARY 28TH NO VESPERS SUNDAY, JANUARY 29TH, 8:30AM, NO Matins; 9:30am, …

1-21-23 Bulletin

Visit our WEBSITE: www.stlukeorthodox.com Pledges & Donations: HERE SATURDAY, JANUARY 21ST, 5:30pm: Great Vespers with Holy Confessions following. SUNDAY, JANUARY 22ND, 8:30AM, Matins; 9:30am, Divine Liturgy followed by Church School and …

1-14-23 Bulletin

  Visit our WEBSITE: www.stlukeorthodox.com Fr. Howard & Michaelyn Sloan – 45 Years of Service in the Orthodox Church Pledges & Donations: HERE SATURDAY, JANUARY 14TH, 5:30pm: Great Vespers with Holy …

1-7-23 Bulletin

  Visit our WEBSITE: www.stlukeorthodox.com When You, Lord, where baptized in the Jordan, the worship of the Holy Trinity was made manifest! Congratulations & Many Years to Glenn Smid who found …