Scene from Annual Meeting

This Sunday following Liturgy, St. Luke Parish held its Annual Parish Meeting. Reports from parish council members, ministry leaders, and Fr. Paul were prepared and distributed to all parishioners. The annual budget was presented and approved as well as any new business. We thank all involved for the work and dedication and ask God to help us in the upcoming year.


Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

This Sunday His Grace, the Right Reverend Paul, Bishop of Chicago and the Diocese of the Midwest visited St. Luke Parish for Divine Liturgy.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

Bishop Paul at the altar.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

Scene from the Liturgy.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

Scene from the Liturgy.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

Ispola Eti Despota – Many Long Years.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

The Epistle is read.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

His Grace shares his widsom with the parish during the sermon.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

Scene from the Liturgy.

Scene from His Grace Bishop Paul Visits St. Luke Parish

Following the conclusion of the Liturgy, Bishop Paul visited the Church School classes and then shared a luncheon and fellowship with the parishioners. We thank Bishop Paul for taking the time to spend his day with us.


Scene from Divine Liturgy For The Feast Of Epiphany

This week we celebrated Divine Liturgy celebrating the Baptism of Christ. The feast is called Epiphany or Theophany which means shining forth or manifestation. At the conclusion of Liturgy, Father Paul led a procession blessing the building.

Scene from Divine Liturgy For The Feast Of Epiphany

The procession ended at our Prayer Shrine where our well(the source of our water) is located.

Scene from Divine Liturgy For The Feast Of Epiphany

Father Paul dsimisses the parishioners.


Scene from Garden Center Visit For January

Deacon John’s first visit to the Garden Center started with the story of John baptizing Jesus in the Jordan. As soon as John had baptized Jesus, the sky opened, and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove, and the voice of God was heard, saying, “THIS IS MY BELOVED SON, IN WHOM I AM WELL PLEASED.”

Scene from Garden Center Visit For January

Deacon John explained how we can show our love for God through prayer and kindness to others.

Scene from Garden Center Visit For January

Residents watched eagerly as Deacon John and Stea sliced the sweet bread. This tradition from the fourth century, when St. Basil the Great, who was a bishop, wanted to distribute money to the poor. He didn’t want it to look like charity, so he commissioned some women to bake sweetened bread, in which he arranged to place gold coins. The families were pleasantly surprised to find the coins.

Scene from Garden Center Visit For January

Conversation was a little slow at the end of our visit, everyone was too busy enjoying Stea’s sweet bread. Donna found the coin, and she beamed with joy.


Scene from Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil's Bread (Vasilopita).

On New Year’s Day, St. Luke Parish celebrated the Liturgy Of St. Basil and blessing of St. Basil’s Bread (Vasilopita). Father Paul prays over and blesses the Vasilopita.

Scene from Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil's Bread (Vasilopita).

After the blessing the bread is cut.

Scene from Liturgy Of St. Basil and St. Basil's Bread (Vasilopita).

The bread is given to all those present. Hidden in the bread is a coin. Tradition holds that whoever receives the coin receives the blessing of St. Basil for the coming year.