By Phyllis Meshel Onest, M. Div. Is there a role for women in the Church? Is the ordained priesthood “the” role for those seeking to serve Christ? Can one do …
Prayer in the Orthodox Christian Spiritual Life
Prayer is one’s communion with God, and communion with God is a state of unceasing prayer. We saw in the article on faith and works that salvation is not merely to be …
On Holy Repentance
By St. Tikhon of Zadonsk To those that have sinned after holy Baptism the only remaining hope is true repentance. Glory to God for that! Glory to God, that we …
Orthodox Spirituality and Growth in the Faith
In the prayers of the faithful said during the Divine Liturgy a special petition for the faithful is offered, that they “grow in faith and life and spiritual understanding.” But …
“On Christ & His Church” Fr. Thomas Hopko
“On Christ & His Church.” By Fr. Thomas Hopko A] Our Lord Jesus Christ is the God-man, the “Second Person” of the Holy Trinity, the Son of God become fully …
Fr. Thomas Hopko: “Jesus & the One God”