4-22-23 Bulletin

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen!


  • Saturday, April 22nd, 5:30pm: Great Vespers with Confessions following.
  • Sunday, April 23rd, 8:30am: Matins; 9:30am, Divine. Liturgy for St. Thomasfollowed by Church School and Coffee Fellowship.
  • Monday, April 24th, 9:30am: Memorial Divine Liturgy for the 1 year commemoration of +Archbishop PAUL at Holy Trinity Cathedral downtown.
  • Wednesday, April 26th, 6:00pm: Adult Education (Live-streamed).


The fifty day season of Pentecost, which follows Pascha, can be a difficult time for Orthodox Christians. Many of us, having made the effort to revitalize our spiritual life through the Lenten disciplines of prayer and fasting, easily fall back into the same “ruts” which had previously defined our lives. (I know of this personally!)

Nevertheless, I believe that if we are able to anticipate this challenge, it might be easier for us to keep ourselves a bit safer from the “post-Pascha slump.” For we know that in our fallen state, it is, tragically, so much easier to slide downard from virtue into vice than it is to ascend from the vices to the virtues. Meaning that we have to live with a certain “gravity” of our fallen human nature which, if left to itself, will inevitably spiral downwards. Yet this brings us to the question of change. Why is it both so easy, as we have already said, to fall deeper and deeper into sin and yet so incredibly difficult, or more precisely “humanly impossible,” for us to free ourselves from its destructive, habitual nature? The truth is that if we fail to RESIST our sins, if we fail to “fight the good fight,” we “devolve” as human persons on many different levels: physically, emotionally, morally, and spiritually.

Young children are all born into the world with the seed of sin buried deep within their hearts. Children are innocent and pure, of course. But they still possess the seed of sin within. This is the Original Sin, which is a formal doctrine of our Church. We have all been born “outside of paradise,” and this means that we inherit a deeply rooted predisposition towards sin. As we grow older, these sins of self-centeredness, gluttony, anger, lustfulness, avarice, etc., become active passions—desires and behaviors that separate us from the love of God. St. Paul calls this the “Old Adam.”

The inception of sin is a desire for evil things planted into our hearts by Satan. Just as Eve was deluded into thinking that the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was pleasant, so we too are made to believe in the falsehood that the fruit of sin is sweet. This means that sin, by nature, is always a “bait and switch” because it delivers the opposite of what it promises to give: instead of happiness, it gives an unbearable sadness (spiritual despair); instead of freedom, it gives enslavement; instead of life, it gives death.

Sin digs its way into our personal being through the power of active repetition. The Devil says: “Go ahead, once won’t hurt.” Yet before we know it, our sin becomes regularized, and we are powerless over it. After the passions have taken control of our minds, hearts, and wills, spiritual death occurs. This downward spiral of moral bankruptcy is shown to us in the epistle of St. James. “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God,’ for God tempts no one; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire. Then desire when it has conceived gives birth to sin, and sin when it is full-grown brings forth death” (James 1:13-15).

During this Easter season, we are thus being reminded about the miracle of change. As human beings, we must be transformed before we can enter into the Kingdom of God.


  • Fr. Howard & Michaelyn Sloan – For health of family.
  • Mary Vlahos –  in memory of Petros, Demetrios & Kyriaki
  • Maria Vrame – in memory of Christos, Pauline & Cynthia
  • Sherry Chakonas  – in memory of Andy & Michael
  • Esther Poulos – in memory of George & Thomas
  • Dheanna Fakaris – for the health of George ,Barbara & Family
  • Laurie Bauml  – in memory of Michael & health of family
  • Dn. Stephen & Shirlie Hansen  – for the health of family
  • Kathleen Janik  in memory of George & Irene
  • Crys & Roger Crocker  – in memory of Mamie Kimbll
  • Fr. Daniel & Nadia Doss  – for health of family
  • Lasowski Family  – in memory of departed family
  • Gary & Gina Nichiporlik – for health of family
  • Anonymous
  • Patricia Drivillas  – for health of family
  • Maria Vrame – in memory of George, Christos, Pauline & Cynthia
  • The Sierra’s – in memory of Fr. Basil Sommer
  • Debra & Dennis Dandeles – for the health of Ron & Joanne
  • Vrszula Giedz  – in memory of Nikolas Giedz & Jan Pauk
  • Galina & Don Noble – for health of family.
  • Sheila Dragovich – in memory of Milan Dragovich

APRIL MONTHLY CHARITY: Tomorrow at the Divine Liturgy we will take our monthly charity collection. Our St. Luke monthly charity for the month of April will be the HOLY RESURRECTION MONASTERY in southern MissouriPlease be generous!

ST. LUKE LAMB ROAST – POTLUCK DINNER: On Sunday, June 7th, our parish will honor both our Mothers & Fathers with a traditional LAMB ROAST dinner in the downstairs parish hall. Bring a side dish!

ADULT EDUCATION: Adult Education begins once again this Wednesday, April 26th at 6:00pm on Facebook on Zoom. Join us!!!!

ST. LUKE STRATEGIC PLAN: Our St. Luke Strategic Plan report is ready to be viewed and the tally sheets for our Action Items are now available. If you have NOT filled out a tally sheet please take the time to do so.

PASCHAL GRAVE BLESSINGS: Fr. Paul will be blessings graves at the local cemeteries after the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, April 30th. If you would like to have a grace blessed on this day please email him at pjannakos@gmail.com.

EXPANDING ELIJAH’S CHARIOT MINISTRY:  It has come to the attention of the parish council that there are some families and elderly in our Church who are no longer able to drive to Church on a regular basis because of  high gas prices. We are looking, therefore, to expand our Elijah’s Chariot Ministry so that it will include the gift of gas cards for those who need help. (Please consider donating?) Also, if you would like to help us drive our elderly to Church for services please let Tammy Tsiones know. Click here to sign up: DRIVERS FOR ELIJAH’S CHARIOT SIGN UP.

LUBA’S KITCHEN ANNOUNCEMENT: This is a reminder of the duties of coffee hour hosting. Below are key bullet points pertaining to this ministry. HERE are the guide lines. Debbie has made a signup sheet. The food costs and time/energy of hosting are greatly decreased. The fellowship team is looking for weekly coverage for prepping coffee hour and cleaning up afterwards.For many, many months the bulk of coffee hour duties has fallen on Crys and Matthew, with some volunteers at times. The current process is efficient and as mentioned, less costly to serve as a host as the church bears the bulk of the food costs. Thank you for your participation in this weekly ministry. Matthew, Crys and Debbie.

BOOKSTORE SALE DOWNSTAIRS: Our bookstore sale will now offer the books downstairs in the parish hall for a free will donation. The proceeds from the free will offering for the rest of the books will go to Holy Resurrection monastery.

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