Theme: Discernment vs. Delusion.
Memorization Text:
“The wise of heart is a man of discernment.” (Prov. 16:21)
Family Reflection (Read all together).
Discernment is the virtue of being able to distinguish between good and evil, of knowing the difference between what is harmful and what is destructive. Believers strive for this gift of discernment for the whole of their lifetime. Those who fail to practice discernment easily fall into delusion.
The first step towards discernment is to keep God’s commandments. God’s commandments are given to us as the beginning of moral understanding so that our hearts might become more sensitized to knowing and doing His will. The commandments were given so that we might be kept from hurting ourselves and others through immoral behaviors.
Even so, there may be times in our lives when knowing the right thing is not so clear or simple. In these cases, we are told, especially in Proverbs, to seek the good “counsel” of a mother or father or another wise person we trust. Sometimes discernment in making hard decisions will include prolonged prayer and great patience. In this way the Lord tests us in order to deepen our faith.
Questions (Discuss these together).
What would happen in our world if there were no commandments?
What situations have you been in where it was difficult to discern God’s will?
In what way have you chosen wrongly and learned a painful life lesson about the need for discernment?